Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Thanksgivukkah Reading from the Rabbinic Cabinet of JFNA

Stuck on a great prayer for this once in a lifetime juxtaposition of Chanukah and Thanksgiving?  Look no further!  

Modim Anachnu Lach
We give thanks to you, Oh God

On this, our nation’s Day of Thanksgiving and on this festival of lights Hanukkah, we take stock of the gifts and bounty we enjoy living in this blessed country. As we sit down to our Thanksgiving meal and the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah, our tradition teaches us the importance of saying todah, of thanking You, oh God, for our lot and for the religious freedom we enjoy in America.

As you are generous to us, so may we show our appreciation for the goodness we experience by being sensitive to all and by extending our hand to those who are less fortunate. Help us to appreciate the blessings of health and the fragility of our own existence by remembering and being Your messenger to those in our community who may be without food and shelter.

Let us remember the blessings and responsibilities of the ties which bind us together as a Jewish people and as Americans. May we always show appreciation for all those around us, and let us remember to cherish the people in our lives while they are with us.

We ask You for security – for our families, our communities, our Nation, and the Jewish people. We pray for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Israel and those who serve this nation in all capacities. May we all know the blessing of peace.

Finally, we ask you to shine the light of freedom, as it emanates from the Hanukkah menorah, into all corners of our land so that Your light of peace and protection spreads over everyone on this day of Thanksgiving bounty and Hanukkah freedom.


The Rabbinic Cabinet of JFNA


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